
Sales and operations planning of supply chain

  Sales and operations planning (S&OP)  is an aspect of supply chain which aims at creation of a unified, aligned and lucrative business plan. It draws input from various functional aspects of a business including sales, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, etc. This cross-functional and diverse collaboration can create consolidated plans which most stakeholders are interested to contribute towards,  S&OP is a key component of the manufacturing supply chain process, helping companies control their input costs to be able to provide effective goods or services to their customers. By leveraging a supply chain optimization logistics planning software , this goes beyond just maximizing the overall supply chain performance in terms of material delivery excellence. It also stretches much beyond the scope of simply relying on the performance of an individual business unit or department in isolation without taking into account its impact, positive or negative, on the organization as

AI-Powered S&OP and Assortment Optimization for your Supply Chain

  An AI-enabled supply chain solution can drive faster and better demand prediction based on disparate data, ensure accurate real-time decision-making  with Capacity Planning and remove possible bottlenecks to ultimately help businesses optimize sales, marketing, supply chain, and financing. S&OP helps to align demand with supply and avoid metrics of losses that are presented through insufficient supplies or excessive inventories. It also determines achievable benchmarks, creating new profit targets, ensuring fulfillment of previous ones. S&OP can enhance demand sensing , leading to tapping seasonal and erratic markets. This also adds to the profitability indices and allows almost every area of a business to function more effectively, making the company’s operations more streamlined and cost-effective. This coupled with an assortment optimization software can help forecast demand accurately through sophisticated data models and analytics. This AI-driven model can ensure h

Supply chain variability and the benefits of an AI-driven supply chain software

  Most businesses today are expected to provide same-day shipping to not only meet escalated demand for goods but also fulfill customer’s expectations of faster delivery. As end-of-year projections will startle businesses with high demands, an efficient supply chain management system to fulfill it is needed. A salient supply chain management system takes stock of the different variables across the supply chain to mitigate any uncertainty while catering to the fluctuating demand. In 2021 , the retail sector experienced drastic global inventory distortion. The estimated value for out-of-stock items was $1.14 trillion, with only half as much value in overstock items. The high degree of potential losses in these projections makes it crucial to mitigate variability and enhance predictability within the supply chain. Advanced buffer management tools are the need of the hour while heading into a hybrid work-world with temperamental variability.  Supply chain variability can arise due to a v

Some Information about assortment planning software

  Assortment planning Software is the process of setting up key product lineups and their optimization for winning sales with customers. As retailers become more advanced in their sales strategies, assortment planning has also evolved using automated planning tools with AI and machine learning. Today, assortment planning goes beyond mere inventory control and stocking products and is influenced by various factors such as price point, product categories, visual merchandising, store format, promotion strategy, revenue targets, lead time etc.One way of ensuring assortment planning goes deeper into your sales strategy, is by identifying what kinds of products get the best sales traction compared to competitors. It seeks answers to questions like what are the ideal price ranges to ensure a sale, what categories of products would be marketed the best in a particular segment, how should the assortment be structured based on the various products in stock, how best can the assortment be optimi

AI-Powered S&OP and Assortment Optimization for your Supply Chain

    An AI-enabled supply chain solution can drive faster and better demand prediction based on disparate data, ensure accurate real-time decision making  with integrated planning and remove possible bottlenecks to ultimately help businesses optimize sales, marketing, supply chain, and financing. S &OP Supply Planning helps to align demand with supply and avoid metrics of losses that are presented through insufficient supplies or excessive inventories. It also determines achievable benchmarks, creating new profit targets ensuring fulfillments of previous ones. S&OP can enhance demand sensing, leading to tapping seasonal and erratic markets. This also adds to the profitability indices and allows almost every area of a business to function more effectively, making the company’s operations more streamlined and cost-effective. This coupled with an assortment optimisation software can help forecast demand accurately through sophisticated data models and analytics. This AI-driven mo

Artificial Intelligence in Logistics will drive more profit to companies

  The pandemic has resulted in a global economic disruption which has highlighted pre-existing loopholes in global supply chains. Lack of digital connectivity has made it hard to tie together global operations for , s&op supply planning including inbound and outbound logistics.   In the wake of the repercussions from COVID19, speed in decision-making, speed in reducing cycle-times, speed in operations, and speed in continuous improvement- this is the prerequisite for a resilient logistics system. Supply chain managers around the world are now updating their supply chain operations to cater to elevated demand, availability of global vendors, and updated customer data.  As global supply chains are increasing in complexity, the margin for error is rapidly shrinking. With increasing competition in a connected digital world, it becomes even more critical to maximize productivity by reducing uncertainties of any and all kinds. Mounting expectations of supersonic speed and efficiencies

Supply Chain Management Climbed to the top of Corporate Agenda Like Never Before

Today, supply chains have grown to become substantially more challenging and complex to manage Supply chain Management Solutions influenced by market volatility as a direct outcome of COVID-19, have elevated the need for resilience, agility and flexibility of industry operations.  As a result, eliminating supply chain constraints has become a priority for the top management and a cross-functional business necessity. ThroughPut’s AI-driven supply chain management solution gives the competitive edge by providing a holistic view of dependencies between different areas of the business. With AI-focused timely insights, you can gain an in-depth and accurate visibility across the supply chain value stream for a smooth exchange of information – All of this without any manual interventions using real-time data. AI’s core competencies of error identification, delivering valuable insights, monitoring results in real-time, and using advanced computation to drive results make it a valuable asse